X-Men DOFP Review: The Clean Slate


Spoiler Alert: I won’t be able to hold back with this one so make sure you’ve seen it before reading on.

Can I start with a question? How is Kitty able to project someone’s consciousness into the past? She can pass through walls including everyone (thing) she touches, that I know but this mind thing she does is all new to me. Admittedly, though I’m a fanatic, I’m not familiar with the Days of Future Past storyline. Do you know how much comic books cost back then?! Actually, now it’s outrageous. But I know enough not to get confused and so I wonder for those who don’t. On that note, this shouldn’t be anyone’s first X-Men movie. Filled with flashbacks from previous films, you’d appreciate it more knowing what these characters have gone through, or in this case will go through. Err… or maybe will not go through. Hehe, you’ll get what I mean.

Here’s my only rant though – DOFP is largely moping and serious. I get that it’s part of the script and they’ve injected humor to break the tone once in a while. The movie’s great, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like it lingered on and took long to get there.

With that out of the way, let’s go ahead with the good stuff.  I’m going to dare say, and I think some of you can agree with me on this, Quicksilver is quite possibly the coolest and most fun character they featured in the movies. I have become a big fan of Evan Peters, he was great in AHS and even better here.

I mean Wolverine, who I’m not fond of simply because he managed to be the hero who saves the day in all first three films while the rest of our equally loved characters were sidelined, was tolerable and not overexposed. Heck, it’s been Wolverine-centric up until First Class! I was amazed they were able to squeeze out two spinoffs. And no, the butt scene didn’t sway me but I’m guessing many of you were happy about it. Good for y’all.

Acting-wise, Fassbender and McAvoy served it up. Mystique was awesome as always but I think she was forced into the center of this. Why? It’s because her power is changing form. If Trask needed the capability to adapt to anything then the DNA he wants is Darwin’s, who got killed off back in the last film. So I think the reason mainly is because Lawrence is portraying her and she’s the biggest thing now. Wow, that’s the first anti-JLaw thing I’ve said ever! Okay, maybe I don’t have only one rant, haha.

That bit about JFK being a mutant & Magneto having to do with his assassination got me all like, “What the F?” but makes for great entertainment. It was also nice to see the makings of Stryker, the man who’ll give Logan his adamantium. Peter Dinklage playing Trask made him more interesting. Thankfully, the writers were also able to assemble a group of remarkable new characters this time. Bishop, Warpath, Sunspot, love Blink! Sorry, First Class was whack for me.

It was painful to watch all our heroes die one by one, twice for some of them, that I actually gasped at Storm’s turn. Damn those future Sentinels are wicked! So it was such a sweet moment at the end showing them all alive, right where they should be. And yes, including Cyclops and Jean. That’s why everybody says this was the producers’ way of undoing everything wrong about The Last Stand. Secretly, I enjoyed that movie but I do get the fans’ frustrations so I kind of hate it as well, haha.

Lastly, I was left wanting more from the end credits teaser hinting at 2016’s X-men Apocalypse. It shows the title character, the first ever mutant, building the ancient pyramids of Egypt. I was so focused on this hooded figure that I missed the four Horsemen in the background when the camera panned to his face. I can’t believe I didn’t notice, did you??

A Tweet-style Review for The Amazing Spider-man 2

so i wrote a sort of review of #theamazingspiderman2 it’s not entirely spoiler free but don’t worry i left out the big one. coming right up!

1st thing i noticed was how better his movements are swinging around the city. the humor is still there w/c is a big hit for the kids (& me)

i talked about how the villains are cornball right? turns out, it doesn’t matter bec the storyline is great. we now know of peter’s parents

again, spider-man’s appeal is really the guy behind the mask: peter. he has (daddy) issues & (love) problems like the rest of us. he’s human

can’t say electro was a badass villain. they could’ve put anyone new in there, wouldn’t matter. but his powers make a great display for cgi

wish we could’ve seen more of pete’s friendship w/ harry. still, ‘twas a nice first taste of the green goblin. fits dane dehaan like a glove

& who else was ecstatic to see the weaponry alongside rhino’s? saw doc oc’s & was that vulture’s? a preview of what’s to come? hopefully

if you also complained w/ the lack of andrew garfield shirtlessness before, you’re in luck. someone in the producer’s table took notice 😉

as for gwen, guess it makes sense. they made her so lovable (duh, emma stone) it would be hard to intro mj into the picture in any other way

much better overall. great build up and just enough adrenaline. the peter-gwen scenes are my fave. dunno, i’m just into the mushy stuff 😉

of course i can’t not talk about the x-men preview!!! mystique in action is always fun. so stoked for this one, you don’t even know.

2013 in review: MEH, will do better this new year!

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 9,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Listen: DWUW – Gaga / Xtina (Studio)

Here’s a present for you Little Monsters and Fighters. Click the link below to listen to the brand spankin’ new studio version of Gaga’s Do What U Want with Legendtina herself. YASSS! Happy NY B*tches!

Do What U Want – Lady Gaga feat. Christina Aguilera (Studio Version)

Do What U Want (feat. Christina Aguilera)

2013 in Music: Girls Run The World

It’s obvious , the divas dominated the charts, the airwaves and the awards shows. And they sure made some hella noise. Still, healthy competition came from their male counterparts.  Justin Timberlake brought his sexy back back for his two, yes 2, albums: The 20/20 Experience 1 & 2. I really dig his signature Pop/RNB sound and you think by now he and Timbaland would’ve run out of ideas. Plus those ballads, you can never go wrong with a JT love song. *swoon* You also can’t overlook (they’re everywhere!) the mega success of One Direction whose Midnight Memories topped the Billboard 200, gave them the record for the only group to have their first 3 albums debut at no. 1. For me they’re eye-candy so let them do what they want but seriously the tattoos have got to stop (ehem Harry). At least Liam still looks clean for the most part. Even the rap gods bowed down: Jay Z, who officially removed the “-” from his name (uhm, okay), still leads the pack with Magna Carta… Holy Grail. Late this year, Eminem released part 2 of his breakout The Marshall Mathers LP. And of course, Yeezus, which he refers to as his god name. Like really? ugh so over him. Yeah, I’m talking about you Kanye.


2013 was literally a pop female explosion. Let’s just say it, ratchet as everything she does right now. Miley is the blockbuster hit. I love all the pop albums that came out but damn, Bangerz is my jam yo!! Didn’t know Southern Pop/Hip-hop got it goin’ on. And THAT kitty is so cute. Since we’re in the topic let’s move on to Katy Perry. Prism presented her in a different light. Light as in bright and as in feather. Like a breath of fresh air and you can tell she’s in a good place. The songs came from a good place. Newcomer Lorde making waves with Royals and recently, Team. She’s the ultimate outsider and we relate to her because of it. Don’t forget earlier this year, Disney Alums Demi Lovato and the now solo, Selena Gomez both shined with their respective releases.  Demi was an emotional piece, showcasing her vulnerability and vocal strength. I’d like to think she’s the Christina from Selena’s Britney. Stars Dance was a dance fest. Fun and sexy. Yeah, you should try watching the Come and Get It video, whut. My personal fave, Sara Bareilles, also came out with the power anthem, Brave off The Blessed Unrest. Happy for her Album of the Year Grammy nomination!  Speaking of award shows, Taylor Swift is still reaping the rewards from last year’s Red. That record is awesome. For months Lady Gaga teased us with her ARTPOP. It even came with an app. So when she said she lives for the Applause then I’m more than willing to give it. Paws up, monsters! The record’s unconventional. I mean it’s still mostly electro dance music but I don’t know, maybe that’s what happens when you infuse Pop with Art. LOL, I’m talking shit am I? Can I just say something about that Gaga-Xtina performance of Do What U Want on The Voice Finale? I GAGGED. I LIVE for this kind of thing.


Capping off the year, It’s-Britney-Bitch Spears gives us her most personal record. They say that all the time, how personal can you get? Kidding. The first single Work Bitch brought us back the Dance-ney we always loved. So we held hands in tears, in awe as she gyrated to her British accent. But just like that we were caught unguarded. We were not prepared.

Beyonce-AlbumQUEEN Bey rendered all them artists irrelevant by dropping a bomb an album out of nowhere. Sure we heard she’s recording but with no single close to year end we all thought we were safe from the onslaught. But we’re not, no one is and we all just died from Beyonce realnezz. This bitch had enough time from her Mrs. Carter World Tour to even conceptualize, shoot music videos for all the tracks. Well she did it on B’Day so she can do it again. So there it goes, who run the world? Anyone dare say the contrary?

Hooked on YA Fiction

Of course there’s Harry Potter, and Twilight, and The Hunger Games but for this post I’m referring to realistic fiction. And for this genre, there are two authors I fancy most: John Green and David Levithan.


For me it started with Green since his works are in a rage these days. I kicked off with Looking for Alaska then next the more popular The Fault in Our Stars. One thing that really striked me is the wit. And boy does he have it. And because these are young adult (YA) novels, their themes are very relatable because admit it, we all have been there or for some, going through it and each time you turn a chapter or page, you take with you something to ponder on. Particularly with these two, the stories include that of love and tragedy. But the thing is, they’re not only about that. They’re also about coming-of-age and the struggles that come along with it, and yes, about friendship. And no novel better signifies that than Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Enter David Levithan, I can’t emphasize enough how this pairing is a match made in heaven. They should really collaborate again. Easily the most insightful (and gay) read I’ve ever had. And I learned that with Levithan, hilarity ensues. So I had to venture on his individual works and you know I had to go first for Boy Meets Boy. Again, I was blown away with its biting reality and inspiring openness. All these characters (to name a few): Tony, Paul, Noah and for WGWG: Will Grayson, The Other Will Grayson, Tiny, for LFA: Pudge, Alaska, The Colonel, for TFIOS: Hazel, Augustus Waters, Isaac, they’re all etched in my mind (and heart). They’re not just characters because they can be representations of people in real life; in our lives. Now I’m about to start with Naomi and Ely’s No Kiss List, one of several novels co-authored by Levithan and Rachel Cohn (read: Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist). How bout you, any YA literature I ought to be reading? 🙂
Speaking of, special mention for The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. I adore that book! (and Charlie).

“Oz” is Child’s Play

I’m not as concerned about James Franco criticized for being as stiff as a board as compared to Mila Kunis’s blank-face performance. It was like she was reading from a teleprompter or something. She became not half-bad when she transformed into the wicked witch but only because she was wearing prosthetics. I mean, I love her but Rachel Weisz and Michelle Williams outdid her here by a thousand miles (i don’t wanna use outshined, so cliché). Anyways, the movie was for kids clearly. I should’ve gotten that when the word “Disney” flashed on the screen. Of course, the graphics were a feast for the eyes but they could’ve made an animated film and the characters may have come off more alive. It was enjoyable sure but I guess I was expecting a dark approach ala Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland.

And if I had known the reason for this whole shebang was a boy, I may as well have turned myself. Ah, love is a many splendored things indeed. I couldn’t grasp how she has gotten fast in love with Oz, the great and powerful, cos I fall fast, mind you, but not THAT fast. Anyway, going back, it’s worth letting your kids watch this and then let out an “oooh” or “aaaww” yourself but you can wait for the DVD release and watch it on your flat screen. Or you can download it illegally (not that I’m promoting it), it’s your call.

2012 in review

I’m disappointed with the 11 new posts in 2012, I’ve really got to commit more if I want to keep this blog up. But it’s funny how my most viewed posts are about my “choice hotties” maybe I should really get back into posting more of these stuff. 😛 Anyways, I’m still grateful I started this blogging site and hopefully, I get more active this 2013. Happy New Year To All! Below is WordPress’s 2012 annual report for What’s In Between My Ears 🙂

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 25,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 6 Film Festivals

Click here to see the complete report.

Red Is All Kinds Of Intense

I can’t even begin to describe how I love this album. Personally, this is her best effort yet. There are no ‘yawn’ songs here. And I didn’t feel like the sound is too repetitive. Something I’ve had a problem with on her previous records. Taylor Swift is a songwriter first and foremost and this album is (another) proof. Her lyrical prowess is golden; how she can narrate a simple, casual experience or story and turn it into music that is relatable and enjoyable. I like how she described why she named the album Red:

All the different emotions that are written about on this album… all of that — in my mind, all those emotions are red. You know, there’s nothing in between. There’s nothing beige about any of those feelings.

You don’t how many times I’ve played this album on repeat. I’m seriously considering not to write a review but rather just post every lyric I like from each song, hahaha! The 16 tracks are as follows:

taylor-swift-red-single-artwork-400x400State Of Grace. When I first heard it, I thought it was very unlike Swift – sound-wise which is great because it means she’s trying out new things. This is a song that “grows” on you, at least that’s what happened with me. Fave lyrics: And i never saw you coming/ And I’ll never be the same.

Red is an instant darling, just listen to it. Should be a future single. 🙂 Fave lyrics: (I like all of it! haha but if I have to choose) Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite tune/ Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you’ve never met/ But loving him was red.

Treacherous. She takes it slow and easy but still hitting it home with every word. Fave lyrics: And i’d be smart to walk away/ But you’re quick sand/ This slope is treacherous/ And I, I, I like it.

I Knew You Were Trouble is the first upbeat number and also a personal favorite. The music video’s out already! Check hereFave lyrics: Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in/ So shame on me now/ Flew me to places I’d never been/ Til you put me down oh.

All Too Well is a masterpiece among several others. Love this song! (Warning: you’ll probably read that phrase throughout this post) Fave lyrics: (Again all of it :p ) Cause here we are again on that little town street/ You almost ran the red cause you were looking over at me/ Wind in my hair, I was there, I remember it all too well.

22 is fun and best sung among friends. That bit “Who’s Taylor Swift anyway?” is funny. Fave lyrics: We’re happy free confused and lonely at the same time/ It’s miserable and magical oh yeah/ Tonight’s the night when we forget about the deadlines/ It’s time uh oh.

I Almost Do. Needless to say, I love this song! 😀 It’s kind of sad actually but the sentiment’s nice (running out of adjectives here). Fave lyrics: I bet/ You think I either moved on or hate you/ Cause each time you reach out there’s no reply/ I bet it never, ever occurred to you that I can’t say hello to you/ And risk another goodbye.

We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. Ah, the catchy first single which really doesn’t define the collection. So if you find this song too ‘pop’, don’t give up on this album just yet. P.S. Love the spoken lyrics! Fave lyrics: You go talk to your friends/ Talk to my friends/ Talk to me/ But we/ Are never ever, ever, ever/ Getting back together.

Stay Stay Stay is another playful/girly track. No problem with me, hahaha especially this cute lyric coming up. Fave lyrics: This morning I said we should talk about it/ Cause I read you should never leave a fight unresolved/ That’s when you came in wearing a football helmet/ And said okay let’s talk.

The Last Time features Snow Patrol front-man Gary Lightbody. It’s the better of the 2 collaborations in the album. I like the outro of this song too. Fave lyrics: This is the last time I’m asking you this/ Put my name on the top of your list.

Holy Ground. You just find yourself singing along to. Maybe even bump your head to it but in a Taylor Swift way. 😀  Fave lyrics: And darling, it was good never looking down/ And right there where we stood was holy ground.

Sad Beautiful Tragic takes a turn again for the sad song route. I guess this is my least fave from the record. No fave lyrics (yet).

The Lucky One talks about the price of fame kinda like Britney’s Lucky. I like this for the melody. Fave lyrics: Another name goes up in lights/ You wonder if you’ll make it out alive.

Everything Has Changed with Ed Sheeran. I don’t know much about this guy but he’s everywhere. It’s a nice duet, their voices blended together just fine. Fave lyrics: All I know is a simple name/ And everything has changed/ All I know is you held the door/ You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours/ All I know since yesterday is everything has changed.

Starlight is the last upbeat song and like Holy Ground, something great to sing along with. Fave lyrics: I said oh my, what a marvelous tune/ It was the best night, never would forget how we moved/ The whole place was dressed to the nines/ And we were dancing dancing/ Like we’re made of starlight, starlight.

Begin Again. The 2nd single which weirdly sits as the last track, I fell in love to upon hearing. How could you not when it goes: Fave lyrics: And you throw your head back laughing like a/ Little kid/ I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny cause/ He never did/ I’ve been spending the last 8 months/ Thinking all love ever does/ Is break and burn and end/ But on a Wednesday in a café/ I watched it begin again.

Red is indeed all kinds of intense, all kinds of emotion. Love, Sadness, Laughter, Hope, Grief, Anger. But valid everyday emotions, nonetheless. That’s why her songs are always so endearing and likeable. I’m proud to say, Taylor Swift you have made me a fan once again.

Well then, ’til the next sound trip! 🙂

Rise Up Lotus, Rise. This Is The Beginning.

Hello blogosphere! 😛 I’m back and I come bearing gifts: a track by track review of Lotus, Xtina’s latest album. Always have been a big fan so there’s no better way to mark my blog’s “re-birth”. 😀

If you’re following The Voice then you may have seen at least one of her many performances in the show to promote the album (3 to be exact). Now that’s what I call milking the opportunity hehe but weird enough none of them included Your Bodythe 1st single. The impromptu performance on Jimmy Fallon doesn’t count but that was a treat to watch. So I’m anxiously wondering if she’s ever going to perform the song live. I’d really love it if she does, thank you. To celebrate Lotus’s release, she performed her collaboration with fellow coach Cee Lo Green entitled Make The World Move. On another night, she performs with Blake Shelton for their duet Just A Fool. On the next, she brings down the house with her Max Martin track Let There Be Love alongside her team: Dez Duron and Sylvia Yacoub. She also graced the stage of the recently concluded American Music Awards, where she belted out a medley of Lotus Intro/Army Of Me/Let There Be Love.


So getting on the point, this is her most pop album to date. Admittedly she describes it as “embracing my true pop star-ness” and she named it Lotus saying it represents an unbreakable flower. So let’s not prolong the introduction anymore, check out my take on each track below:

Lotus Intro which surprisingly extends into a full song is just that, an intro. But it really gets you into the vibe with its melody and a chant that basically repeats throughout the song. Then she ends it with a spoken lyric which is a bit cheesy even for me. Fave lyrics: Rise up Lotus, rise/This is the beginning.

Army Of Me which she described herself as “Fighter 2.0” is a power anthem for the new generation who weren’t around during the Stripped era. In the track, she sings: “One of me is wiser, One of me is stronger, One of me’s a fighter, There’s a thousand faces of me” which explains the title. Fave lyrics: Well I know what you were thinking/You thought you’d watch me fade away/When you broke me into pieces/But I gave each piece a name.

Red Hot Kinda Love is a fun, playful number. Focusing more on the tune than her vocal talent which is refreshing. Fave lyrics: La la la la la la la la la/Oh baby I’m burning up/I wasn’t tryin to fall for ya.

Make The World Move with its big beat and features Cee Lo Green, I had high hopes for but kinda falls flat as it’s too short and repetitive. Still Cee Lo is the song’s redeeming factor with his unique sound and I liked the song better when I heard it sang live. Fave lyrics: If one smile can erase a frown/Imagine what two can do.

Your Body marks as hit-maker Max Martin’s & Xtina’s first collaboration ever. Since this is a venture to her pop persona once again, of course she had to work with the Britney/Katy/Pink (among others) producer. The accompanying music video for this, IMHO, is one of her career-best. Fave lyrics: It’s true what you heard/I am a freak/I’m disturbed.

Let There Be Love which I can only describe as “aaaaaaaaaah!! i love this song!” is the proof she can go with the trend and still do better than the rest of those ‘basic’ b*tches, I mean singers. A dance song at it’s finest, this should be a future single. Fave lyrics: I wanna tell you my secret/With just the sound of my breathing.

Sing For Me is currently my fave ballad in the record. It’s very heartfelt and talks about singing when you’re down and pouring your heart out every single time. Fave lyrics: Cause when I open my mouth/There’s no place to hide/Everything that I’m feeling runs wild and free/I’m singing cause I’m winning/Imma sing for me.

Blank Page is an emotional ballad that expresses asking for forgiveness and starting over. She works again with one of her Bionic writers, Sia Furler (You Lost Me) for this one. Fave lyrics: Draw me a smile/And save me tonight/I am a blank page/Waiting for you to bring me to life.

Cease Fire is one of those I can consider an ‘album filler’ but it’s notable characteristic is that it sounds very unlike Xtina. As it sounds robotic and again she didn’t put her vocals front and center. Fave lyrics: Baby cease fire, fire/Throw down your weapon, weapon/I’m on your side, on your side/So please cease fire, fire/Cease fire make it stop.

Around The World is another attempt for an uptempo track though it’s not as successful as the previous dance numbers it still achieved it’s purpose. Fave lyrics: Hollywood to Japan/Tokyo to Milan/Baby just for tonight/We’re making love worldwide.

Circles, one of the reasons the album got an explicit rating, brings back the feisty, i-don’t-give-a-whut side of Aguilera. This one you’d just get into and sing along with. Fave lyrics: Spin around in circles/On my middle, middle finger/Motha******.

Best Of Me is a great bring-me-upper in ballad form. As you know, she always has these you-can’t-bring-me-down type of songs. Fave lyrics: But you’ll never get the best of me no more/Aren’t you tired of throwing stones/Tryin to kick me when I’m down.

Just A Fool is the slash-wrist, heartbreak, 2nd single. It’s her first try for a country song and who better to help than current CMA Artist of the Year, Blake Shelton. Pleasantly surprised cause their voices blended so perfectly. Fave lyrics: Another shot of whiskey please bartender/Just keep it going til I don’t remember/How bad it hurts when you’re gone.

So that’s it. Anyone else has the album? Do you agree with my choices or not? 😉 The deluxe version features additional tracks such as: Light Up The Sky, Empty Words, Shut Up and Your Body [Martin Garrix Remix]. Honestly I can’t decide if she shined more on her ballads or the upbeat ones but one thing’s for sure: LegendTina is back and she’s here to stay. Hail QueenTina! (LOL)

Spider-man proves he can stand alone with the rest of ’em

I got to watch The Amazing Spider-man the other night and overall, I liked it. It just depends on what you’re looking for. If you went into the cinema wanting mindless action then you might have stifled a yawn here and there. The movie focused on the man (or boy) behind the mask, Peter Parker and I think it was halfway through that we get to see him ‘swinging’ in action and only towards the end that we see some big stunts. I will say this though since I was able to watch again the original Spider-man on HBO last night, this movie was more precise in depicting the character. We get to see more of his geeky side; him being a wiz and all. Him inventing those web-shooters like in the Marvel comic books. Going back now, it was stupid that on the first film the web just goes right out of his wrist. We also got to sort of know more about his parents. Andrew Garfield is the right fit for this role. He’s this nice, awkward, rebellious teenager and well, he’s cute too. 😉 You root for him as he tries to win over Emma Stone who plays daughter of the chief, Gwen Stacy. She’s so adorbs! I admit those were my favorite scenes. One thing I’ll criticize is that he’s a bit skinny in the suit. He looks fine as Peter but when he dons the red and blue spandex, he looks almost frail. Maybe because he’s younger and I figure he needs to be lean and flexible to do his maneuvers. Probably also the reason why we did not see him shirtless. (hehe) On another note, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Sally Field plays Aunt May.

The problem with this reboot is that aside from the new actors and of course, new director (Marc Webb, get it?), there’s nothing else to expect. I was not even excited with Lizard, they should have featured Mysterio or Chameleon instead. This movie is “slicker” and “cooler” than the first one, I’ll give it that. Much-improved in special effects which is given but they succeeded here in laying out the story, more than anything. Though I must say, who could forget that iconic upside-down wet kiss scene between Spider-man and MJ? And needless to say, that you can actually see Kirsten Dunst’s nipples through her blouse. (Haha that was a very straight thing to say). Anyway, personally my favorite still has to be Spider-man 2 (with Dr. Octopus as villain) but even though The Amazing Spider-man has to compete this year with the juggernaut that is The Avengers, it still held its own and did not let down. What I don’t know is how it will fare once the much-anticipated The Dark Knight Rises premieres.

Kelly, Stronger, Better.

I’ve been playing the album tirelessly for weeks. I know, I know – this came out what, like late last year? Maybe because, at last, I got to fully listen to it and read the lyrics to the songs. I tend to get caught up when I do this, it’s like I’m in a zone. And I admit I enjoy singing along to her songs more so, when I understand what they talk about.  I’ve been a big fan all these years ’cause (1) I really like her brand of pop/rock, (2) amidst the antics of most pop stars, she always makes it about the music and (3) do I really need to say this? Her voice is incredible and just awe-inspiring. In fact in choosing my fantasy voice, I’d take hers any day. I’d like to think of myself as more of a rock star (hehe). Stronger, her 5th release, is exactly this compared to All I Ever Wanted and My December. Her strongest, I feel, is still Breakaway. But I’m concerned with her choice of singles and she needs to come up with better music videos too. Anyways, I like all the tracks except maybe 2 out of the 17 but I chose my favorites below:

Let’s start with the upbeat ones: Mr. Know It All, though I have reservations about it being the 1st single, has a catchy, great vibe to it and presents a more subdued Kelly. She didn’t belt out here so it was something new. But come on we like it better when she does so to my relief she followed it up with What Doesn’t Kill You (Stronger). Not only that but it’s a power song. If you’re down trust me, these lines will surely change that:

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger/Stand a little taller/Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone/What doesn’t kill you makes a fighter/Footsteps even lighter/Doesn’t mean I’m over cause you’re gone”

I have the same sentiments with Dark Side, I don’t think it’s single-worthy. The chorus saves that song. She could’ve chosen Einstein, the title gets you curious already. The song starts off:

“Simple math/Our love divided by the square root of pride/Multiply your lies plus time/I’m going out of my mind/It was heavy when I finally figured/It out alone”

Or she could’ve gone with Alone. It has that attitude – the signature angst and goes like:

“‘Cause when I’m with you I’m alone/No matter what you say/I hope you know, woah/That I’m alone/You say you’re gonna change/But I know you won’t, woah oh”

You Can’t Win is a great rock out song that plays on the fact that you can’t please everybody. She even talks about her own frustrations with her critics:

“If you’re thin, poor little walking disease/If you’re not, they’re all screaming obese/If you’re straight, why aren’t you married yet?/If you’re gay, why aren’t you waving a flag?”

Now we move on to the nostalgia. You Love Me is a heavy anthem. I love the lines that say:

“You say I’m not good enough, I’m not good enough/But what you really mean is, You’re not good enough, you’re not good enough/You can’t deliver so you turn it around”

And it just gets better from there. Last one is The War Is Over which struck me especially with its refrain that goes:

“All I have to say is you don’t deserve me, you don’t deserve me/I’m finally walking away, ’cause you only hurt me/And you’re not worthy”

Still my favorite American Idol. I hope she keeps making records until she’s 80 or somethin. Until then, I think Imma give it another spin after posting this. Ready your earplugs.

Revenge is Wickedly Addictive

Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” – Confucius

And with that my newest TV show guilty pleasure started. When that line prompted at the beginning of the pilot episode I knew I was gonna get hooked and I remember saying to myself: “This is going to be good.” And before I ramble further, how ’bout that poster huh? I have such a liking for the dramatic so I especially enjoyed this promo photo. The mischievous half-smile coming from that pretty, innocent face of hers and then those thorns sticking out of her dress like she’s ready for battle. Love. it.

So basically the story is young girl lost her father to a crime he didn’t commit. So now all grown up, she’s back with a vengeance. And who is she up against you say? Well none other than the elite and the powerful. That’s what makes it exciting and oh so scandalous. What can I say, I guess we all have that dark side. Don’t you just love it when one by one she’s bringing her enemies down? And she’s got them all in the palm of her hand but don’t worry she doesn’t go as far as killing them but trust me what she does is a whole lot worse.

The show features mostly unknown actors to me but it didn’t take away at all from it. I am familiar with Emily VanCamp having watched the family drama Brothers & Sisters (a personal favorite of mine). Her character Emily Thorne or Amanda Clarke is a tricky one to play. She has to be tough and seem cold to carry out her plans and for a protagonist you’ll either like her or you don’t. But I guess once you know the back story you’ll root for her. The other star of the show or scene-stealer if I may say, is Madeleine Stowe playing the Queen of the Hamptons, Victoria Grayson. If pure evil takes form, it’s gotta be her. Not to mention the rest of the empire: Conrad – the man responsible for it all, Charlotte – the rebellious daughter and, Daniel – the heir. Special mention to Josh Bowman who plays him (Read: He’s effin’ hot). To add spice, you have Nolan Ross – Emily’s ally and Jack Porter – the childhood sweetheart. You may recognize Declan Porter, the brother. I realized I don’t know his name, I just know he also plays Serena’s gay brother in Gossip Girl.

I read that the show did really well in the US and that ABC has picked it up for another season and more so, aimed to sit in the previously held time slot by Desperate Housewives. Revenge is a sexy and campy drama series that’s sure to leave you satisfied with every episode and yet craving for more. Full of suspense and surprises in every turn, it’s a ride that you wish would not end.