X-Men DOFP Review: The Clean Slate


Spoiler Alert: I won’t be able to hold back with this one so make sure you’ve seen it before reading on.

Can I start with a question? How is Kitty able to project someone’s consciousness into the past? She can pass through walls including everyone (thing) she touches, that I know but this mind thing she does is all new to me. Admittedly, though I’m a fanatic, I’m not familiar with the Days of Future Past storyline. Do you know how much comic books cost back then?! Actually, now it’s outrageous. But I know enough not to get confused and so I wonder for those who don’t. On that note, this shouldn’t be anyone’s first X-Men movie. Filled with flashbacks from previous films, you’d appreciate it more knowing what these characters have gone through, or in this case will go through. Err… or maybe will not go through. Hehe, you’ll get what I mean.

Here’s my only rant though – DOFP is largely moping and serious. I get that it’s part of the script and they’ve injected humor to break the tone once in a while. The movie’s great, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like it lingered on and took long to get there.

With that out of the way, let’s go ahead with the good stuff.  I’m going to dare say, and I think some of you can agree with me on this, Quicksilver is quite possibly the coolest and most fun character they featured in the movies. I have become a big fan of Evan Peters, he was great in AHS and even better here.

I mean Wolverine, who I’m not fond of simply because he managed to be the hero who saves the day in all first three films while the rest of our equally loved characters were sidelined, was tolerable and not overexposed. Heck, it’s been Wolverine-centric up until First Class! I was amazed they were able to squeeze out two spinoffs. And no, the butt scene didn’t sway me but I’m guessing many of you were happy about it. Good for y’all.

Acting-wise, Fassbender and McAvoy served it up. Mystique was awesome as always but I think she was forced into the center of this. Why? It’s because her power is changing form. If Trask needed the capability to adapt to anything then the DNA he wants is Darwin’s, who got killed off back in the last film. So I think the reason mainly is because Lawrence is portraying her and she’s the biggest thing now. Wow, that’s the first anti-JLaw thing I’ve said ever! Okay, maybe I don’t have only one rant, haha.

That bit about JFK being a mutant & Magneto having to do with his assassination got me all like, “What the F?” but makes for great entertainment. It was also nice to see the makings of Stryker, the man who’ll give Logan his adamantium. Peter Dinklage playing Trask made him more interesting. Thankfully, the writers were also able to assemble a group of remarkable new characters this time. Bishop, Warpath, Sunspot, love Blink! Sorry, First Class was whack for me.

It was painful to watch all our heroes die one by one, twice for some of them, that I actually gasped at Storm’s turn. Damn those future Sentinels are wicked! So it was such a sweet moment at the end showing them all alive, right where they should be. And yes, including Cyclops and Jean. That’s why everybody says this was the producers’ way of undoing everything wrong about The Last Stand. Secretly, I enjoyed that movie but I do get the fans’ frustrations so I kind of hate it as well, haha.

Lastly, I was left wanting more from the end credits teaser hinting at 2016’s X-men Apocalypse. It shows the title character, the first ever mutant, building the ancient pyramids of Egypt. I was so focused on this hooded figure that I missed the four Horsemen in the background when the camera panned to his face. I can’t believe I didn’t notice, did you??

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